Four years ago the world of communication was controlled by four major mobile phone companies. Nokia, Sony Ericsson, Samsung, and Motorola. Those companies were the four major companies in the communication world. As of 2007 the new era of smart phones started to emerge.
Apple created the iPhone witch was like the iTouch ipod. The iPhone was not as big a success as it was prospected to be. There was a lot of hype from the media, that raised the expectation of the apple users. They expected it to be the perfect phone with all the features anyone would want and need. The actual product was not all that it was meant to be. It had many faults and was not as quick as it was meant to be. Apple took all of those faults and all the feedback from their users to create the iPhone 3Gs.
This iPhone so far is living up to the hype and the expectation of the apple audience. The iPhone has many features such as: high quality video in portrait or landscape mode, 3 megapixle camera, voice control, compass, cut, copy and paste feature, landscape keyboard and much more.
The iPhones biggest rival for now is Blackberry. Blackberry has more experience in creating smartphones. The Blackberry company is the most successful for creating smartphones by far. They have many models and generations of phones. Blackberry distibution has significantly increased sales of thier phones by double in the past year. Most of the increase has been in the middle east. Blackberry are working to create the perfectphone aswell. Thier most succcessful phones would be the Curve and the Bold. The most attractive features of the blackbbery would be the Blackberry mesneger (Bbm), internet everywhere, as well as downloading 0ther applications and programs.
Who will prevail will it be blackberry or apples iPhone. The media will most definitely have a big impact of which phone will be the next big hit. The biggest users will probably teens from 13-18 years old. If the marketing for the product can relate to what teens are looking for then the phone will be a success. Different techniques such as free trials or special offers can be used as advertising bate to lure in customers and then sell more phones. A multi-audience product is also important because you want to make sure that not only teens will want this phone but also business employees and etc. It is important to send out the message that the phone will have many qualities and features that will make life easier for business and for personal use. Features like internet, and e-mail would make life easier for business employees. Features like whats app for iPhone or bbm for blackberry would be a good feature for personal use.
Having the different messages is also important. Different messages shows that this product is intended for many uses and shows customers that you know what they are looking for. If the customers feel that they are understood they will buy your product. These messages can be shown on t.v, or heard an radio. Or it can be shared to the public in any way.
So will it be apple's iPhone 3Gs or Blackberry who will control the world of communication??
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